There are still pictures circulating on the Internet, supposedly 3D pictures painted by me, which obviously look like Photoshop. These are the pictures:
Well, I am 3D street painter of the first hour. I painted my first large scale 3D street painting, “The Waterfall”, in Moose Jaw Canada in 2007. Youtube was founded less than two years before. My website was also the first to deal extensively with street painting. At that time it was the On this website I have included digital drafts of my work, which unfortunately were not marked with a watermark accordingly.
Although I explained in the text that these were digital Photoshop images, the images were quickly copied and – taken out of context – distributed elsewhere. What is true today was also true then. Once you put something on the Internet, you can’t delete it. I don’t care either.
I tried to have the pictures deleted at first, but then there were so many, and most of them didn’t even respond at first. So wurscht, I know what I painted and how my paintings enchanted people.