How does a 3D painting work?
3D is three dimensions, that’s clear. Anamorphosis, and this is how the technique has been called since the Middle Ages, turns 2D into a three-dimensional impression.
It depends on the point of view. This is fixed and is determined first when I start an anamorphic painting.
The reason for this is a law of perspective. No matter where you stand, all perpendiculars, i.e. lanterns, edges of houses, towers, street signs, etc., run towards your feet and meet at a point directly below you. If you now take a step to the side, they don’t fall over, but are still standing straight there. They are also three-dimensional objects in the space through which you move. And as you move, your viewer point naturally moves with you – it’s always at the same point with you, regardless of where you go.
With a two-dimensional image, nothing can wander. This is painted and the viewer point has been set beforehand. So you have to move and go right to that point. With a little practice, you can then see the three-dimensional effect with the naked eye. However, a photo clearly shows the effect. For comparison, two photos that show the difference.
3D painting is not as complicated as it looks. If you want to know more, you can have a look at my instructions for 3D street painting. There I go into much more detail about the technique used, what to look for, and how to get around as a beginner.